Banner of Room Green Mountains. Back to Homepage. I support Rep. Barbara Lee Congresswoman ( D-California ) . "I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States," she said.

C.G. which were presented

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Here is display place of C.G. given from guests.

Thank you very much.

SHIBAHIME, Tsubasa from Mr. SAWANO, Tsuri
SHIBAHIME, Tsubasa from Mr. SAWANO, Tsuri 1999/03/20

The C.G. of SHIBAHIME, Tsubasa from Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou ( (C) TSUDA, Masami 1999 ) .
I watched Anime KareKano in the house of Mr. SAWANO for the first time. I am moved by the story of Kazuma and Tsubasa since I watched that time.
File size : 151Kbytes
Rimururu from Mr. Asapuu
Rimururu from Mr. Asapuu 1999/02/26

The C.G. of Rimururu from SAMURAI SHODOWN IV ( (C) SNK 1996 ) .
Because I am given support by Mr. Asapuu on Virtual-ON, I thank him very much.
File size : 80Kbytes

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管理人からの一言 : 自衛隊が何百人死のうとも、イラクとイラクの人々を傷つけずに帰国しますよう、祈ります。
戦争のつくりかた」 「夕凪の街 桜の国」 発売中